Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas 2015 In the Spirit of Receiving


Every year, I activate the Law of Receiving, through the Law of Giving.  As a matter of fact, I give all of the time, year round, as I am sure many of you do too; though sometimes I give to my own detriment.  

I have been studying the Universal Laws, and how they apply to me (well, they apply to everyone, actually) but I have been studying them on a personal and deeper level than I have ever done before.  One of the many teachings and a new awareness that I have discovered is that energetically, we activate the "Law of Receiving" through the "Law of Giving."  This is a wonderfully important activation code to remember.  It's terrific to activate the law of receiving through giving.  It's more important, however, to activate the "flow" of receiving, too.  To activate the flow of  receiving,  you must take on the action of  "graciously receiving." What is "graciously receiving?" you ask.  In a nutshell, it is the ability to receive, without the need to feel like you must give, anything other than appreciation and gratitude in return.  It does not matter what that is: a compliment, a smile, a gift, a hug, a laugh.  You get the picture. 

The next time your boss, a colleague, a sibling, a parent, a perfect stranger, a friend, pays you a compliment, give praise, say "Thank you," and appreciate the glory of the compliment of which you have received.  Feel the gratitude.  You see, the activation of receiving is also created with genuine feelings of gratitude.  There are many ways to activate the Law of Receiving.  They work hand-in-hand, and when you learn how to operate from within the Laws of the Universe, life gets easier.  Life flows and you become a greater electromagnetic attraction for creating a life of your greatest desires.  

I will be blogging more about this in the coming New Year.  I wanted to share what I have learned and am still learning the processes and how they apply to my life.  In the meantime, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, 2015, or whatever Holiday you celebrate, may you have Peace, Love, Laughter, Health, Wealth, and Joy in your life!

Mai Calev

Thursday, July 23, 2015

In The Eyes of The Beholder

Perception - It's an interesting thing!

Most of us have all heard the saying, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder," right? But what about the other things that are in the eye of the beholder?  

Perception is an interesting thing.  You can have siblings from the same family, with the same parents rearing them and end up with varying degrees of truth about life growing up in that household.  All from the perception of the individual.

You can have several people at a crime scene, yet they all see something different. 

The half empty, half full glass is another way of showing how we tend to look at things.

The problem looms when the perception becomes damaging. For example, the perception of the abused spouse that they somehow deserved the abuse, likewise for the abused child.

Or the perception you had when you believed that friend was a true friend, but it turned out they weren't.

Or the perception you had when you believed you were doing a great job at work, only to be "let go."

Or the perception you had when you believed you were in love and you believed the other person loved you back, only to find out otherwise.

Yes, perception is an interesting thing.  The greatest thing about perception is it starts with us, in our own minds and WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT.

You can look out into the world and perceive a world full of doom and gloom.  You can perceive a world full of hate and lack.  Or, you can choose to look at the world of good people, and the good things that are happening around the globe.  You can look at all of the abundance that exists in this world and take the steps towards claiming yours.

When we operate through our senses, which we are supposed to do - we are operating through perception. When we connect with our higher self, we are operating on a very different level of awareness.  Our higher self only knows of that which serves our highest good.  Our higher self only sees that of abundance.  We have been conditioned to operate from our set of circumstance, and therefore we react to issues in our lives rather than respond to issues in our lives.  Reactions are automatic, and let's face it, many of us are reactionary.  To respond to something means you have taken the time to think about it.  You have weighed the options, and have determined a course based on the best information at hand. It is a delicate balancing act to operate from our five senses, while connecting to our higher self.

We live in an abundant Universe.  The issues of scarcity are programmed into you, and live in your mind.  We have been promised a life of abundance.  That promise did not come without the need to claim it, which means we need to do the work.  If you find that you are stuck in the mindset of lack, and you are seeking abundance, I would be happy to show you how you can achieve that.  

Write in and let me know what some of your perceptions are and how they do, or do not, serve you.

Coaching for your success!

Mai Calev, Life Coach

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Staying on Track in Times of Darkness

I was coaching a client of mine recently who had been experiencing a lot of serious personal issues in her life, when she asked me, “How do I stay focused on my dream, when the world around me is falling apart? How do I stay motivated?”  

These questions intrigued me because even though my client was not aware, I too, had been experiencing some very serious, personal life issues – or distractions, if you will.  We all have them.  I have decided to lovingly give mine a name, “Life’s Set of Circumstances.”

Sometimes these life circumstances set upon us to teach us valuable lessons; either about ourselves or others.  Sometimes these life circumstances set upon us and cause us to grow and expand in ways we never thought possible.  The set of circumstances vary from time-to-time and person-to-person, but we all have circumstances in our lives, nevertheless.  When we look at the set of circumstances we are being faced with, it’s important to not allow the circumstance to become a drama induced repeating play loop in our lives, where we do the same things over and over expecting different results.  Where we give the circumstances energy by discussing them with everyone we meet, and everyone we know.  Sure, there are certain circumstances that may require professional help, and there is no shame in that.  But, what happens when we start to give these life circumstances energy?  They - begin - to - grow.  

They grow in the shadows of our minds.  We role play things that are not even happening based on what “could” happen.  We start taking that drive into the dark twisted tunnel (our mind), not knowing if, or when, we are ever going to see the light again.
We’ve all heard the sayings, “God does not give us more than we can handle.” Or, “If God brings you to it, God will bring you through it.”  For myself, I believe that the circumstances we are dealing with in life have a very valuable role in our growth and expansion, when we look at life circumstances, through a different lens. I also pray for strength and wisdom.

Many of you that know me, know that I am an intuitive.  Do I call myself psychic? No. Intuitive? Yes. While my client was discussing with me some of the issues that were plaguing her life at this particular juncture, I did a quick check in with my higher self and the information that was provided is too valuable to keep and so I wanted to share it with you here:

There are patterns of behavior that we have all come to know, called our comfort zone.  In our comfort zones, we tend to stick to what we have always known, whether it’s the drive in to the dark and twisted tunnel of our minds, creating and recreating this energetic, dramatic, version of the circumstance, or allowing constant patterns to show up, to keep recreating the same issues.  You see, whether we like what we are experiencing or not, somewhere energetically we are calling in this life lesson.  I know this is hard for many to comprehend or to accept.  These experiences are meant for us to look deeper into who we are, what we are experiencing, and how we are to handle these experiences.  Will we contract?  Will we expand?

When we move away from the comfort zone, and learn to look at life’s circumstances through a different lens, we are able to ask the Co-Creator side of our being, questions of a higher vibration and calibration.

There are breathing exercises and various other exercises that can be done to quiet the mind in times of extreme stress.  And, it seems we take that drive into the dark twisted tunnel more often when we are extremely busy or extremely stressed. 

After asking my client a series of questions, we were able to narrow down some activities that she could tap into to assist her with staying her course, and here is that information:

The first activity is to count your daily wins. You can climb Mount Everest one baby step at a time.  Keep a journal of your wins on a daily basis.  For example, my win today is posting a video I did some time ago on Youtube.  Finally, I got this done!  You can view it here:

The second activity is to make sure you are handling these life circumstances in a way that resonates with your soul.  If, say, your son or daughter was in a terrible car accident, your obvious energetic direction would be to assist them and to make sure they are safe and sound - I would hope.  Maybe each day after whatever the Life’s Challenging Event is, you need to spend some blocks of time tending to the health and well being of someone whom you love and is important to you.  That is a life issue that you must do and tend to, because your soul is directing that step.

When the day comes to an end, and you have a few minutes to silence your mind, ask your higher Co-Creating self, “What one thing can I do, to bring me closer to living the life of my dreams?”  Then sit in silence and listen. If you are capable of dropping into your heart space, where you can come from a place of love, do so. Your higher Co-Creating self knows what to do but you have to silence the mind to be able to hear the message.  When you have heard what you are supposed to do, making sure this is from the quieted, silent, calm, loving, co-creating mind, not the racing through the narrow, dark and twisted reactionary mind –– then, you can journal the steps and proceed forth with putting the steps into action.

I know this was a long blog post, but I hope you enjoyed the information just the same.  I would be interested in hearing your feedback.  How do you stay the course?

Until the next post, I remain...

Mai Calev

Your Life Coach!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July 2015

Wow, it's hard to believe that it's going to be the 4th of July, 2015, already! I am sending this blog out to wish everyone a very happy and safe 4th of July!

I'd like to share my thoughts on "Independence Day," since I come from a very military family.  My father was in the Army, my brother was in the Army, I had two other brothers in the Navy, one in the Air Force and a very close family friend who was a Marine.  Though all served during peace time, except for my father, the sacrifices that they had to make daily while an active member of our armed forces was tremendous.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank my Dad, his Dad, my brothers, and all of the military that have come before them and those who have yet to serve.  Thank you for standing up for the values of the Constitution of the United States and for defending our freedoms - I honor all of you on this day!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Recipe For Manifesting Part.2

Photo credit: Bella Vida by Letty

In my previous blog, "Recipe for Manifesting Your Dreams, Goals and Desires," I pointed out the importance of the energetic footprints of words, thoughts and feeling tone, when it comes to manifesting and creating the life of your dreams.  In that blog, I also touched base on the fact that WE are also responsible for creating what "we don't want" in our lives.

As promised, the discussion today is about creating what we "don't" want in our lives, in an attempt to get you to realize just how powerful your thoughts truly are, and how your thoughts contribute directly to the results you have in your life.

In my webinar series, "Release Your Fears - Reclaim Your Life," I delve deeper in order to get to the heart of the matter in regard to this subject matter. Participants of the this coaching series spend more time here in order to focus on "paying attention to what they are paying attention to."

You see, what most people do not understand is how societal conditioning has played a big role in the current placement of our lives.  We have been conditioned to feel like failures when we make a mistake and/or attempt something that doesn't necessarily go as planned. In this instance, we should use these experiences as a learning lessons, experiencing them fully, absorbing them, and going for them again, but what happens all too often is that many people walk away and give up. 

A sad but blatant example of this is seen in failed relationships today. This experience now almost always equate to never loving again; walk away from love. Failed passions? Walk away from passion.  People walk away from their dreams, believing themselves to be failures, when the reality is quite the opposite.

In essence, our fears and uncertainties crop up, and this is but one example. We become afraid of "losing this love," and low and behold, the relationship is doomed before it ever gets to truly be expressed and experienced.  We have other thoughts too, that create a void in our energetic creative footprints.

When you consider the hardships and obstacles Albert Einstein had to overcome in order to succeed in his lifes' works and ambitions, it should make this discussion enlightening to the point that we will begin to investigate within ourselves if we have abandoned dreams and/or ambitions simply because we failed at an earlier attempt. 

Here are some facts I want this audience to consider: 
  1. Did you know that Albert Einstein failed his University entrance exam and had to reapply a year later?
  2. Did you know that he was considered a slow learner as a child?
  3. Did you also know that Albert Einstein's greatest breakthroughs came from visual experiments performed in his head, rather than the lab?   
Mr. Einstein's visions included a Universe full of photoelectric cells, television, nuclear power, lasers, space travel, semi-conductors, etc., etc., etc., and I am sure that during his pursuit of these many experiments, he faced any challenges and learning lessons.

The next items on the recipe for creating the life of your dream is "tenacity" and "vision."  After all, you can't create a destination if you do not know where you want to go.

Look at your life and ask yourself, what thoughts have I had that have contributed to the the life I am currently living? Have they been empowering thoughts? Or, have they been self-defeating thoughts?

That's all for today's blog, folks.  Stay tuned for the next recipe card, where we will continue to learn about manifesting the life of your dreams.

Until then, remember the 3 L's: Live, Love and Laugh. These too, are ingredients of the recipe of life!

Coaching for your success!

Mai Calev

P.S. Let's turn up the volume on this discussion - let's hear from you now. What dreams or ambitions have you given up on? 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Full Lotus Moon, by Tara Sutphen

Full Lotus Moon
By Tara Sutphen
The Full Lotus Moon (Chinese) at 11Sagittarius will culminate, June 2, 2015 9:21pm PST/12:21pm EST/0:21am China (Farmers Almanac). 
This Sagittarius Full Moon is all about looking for contentment, no more fragmentation in your environment. Make good choices and settle your mind, settle your stomach. You have been given opportunities to learn, stop allowing trite misconceptions, deception and unloving beings into your personal sphere. You have been given these opportunities many times to alleviate your suffering. It is not a time to carelessly fling what doesn’t serve you aside, only its time to make the necessary boundary. As you now must take a high road and not the low road. The philosophy of an awakened mind is to be mindful, to learn from your mistakes, to not judge harshly, to elevate your vibration of existence. Take time to study new things and to gain expertise. You gain great wisdom through thoughtfulness, always treat others with grace. 
Goodness is when we become conscious of our greater self. When we extend ourselves we become much more in our lives. We all know what bad is…what immoral is…what unhappiness is…so when we ‘cast our will’ to start living an authentic life, we become present to our innate good will – not only to others but to our own self. 
The first step of living an authentic life is using your intuition – Know it, Feel it, See it and Hear it…
Journal Questions:
Paragraph+ for each question.
What could you change that can make you more Authentic
  • Compassionate acceptance of yourself 
  • Compassionate acceptance of others
  • Spending too much time on others and not yourself
  • Spending too much time on yourself and not on others
  • Forward movement toward positive activities
  • Forward movement toward negative activities
Who or what brings you luck
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Job
  • Career
  • Money
  • Beauty
  • Health
  • Harmony
  • Things
  • Strangers
What is your personal philosophy, write a few sentences on how each situation makes you more Authentic
  • Creating a solution
  • Creating plans
  • Giving Hugs
  • Offering Smiles
  • Saying nice things to people
  • Waving here or there to people
  • Enjoying a color
  • Enjoying nature
  • Enjoying architecture
  • Complimenting your kids
  • Complimenting everyone
Its nice to think we can remove all the masks and rip away The facade as those fakey moments, those moments of inner upset when we squelch who we really are… We want to be accepted as our selfYou are not the only one, many people hold back. Some people don’t allow others to know the real them. That shouldn’t be any of us…time for a real and amazing life. Step it up, the universe is asking us to be brighter and centered.
—– The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.” ~Ben Okri  Nigerian Author

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Recipe for Manifesting Your Dreams, Goals and Desires.

For those of you who know me, you know that when I say I AM a powerful manifester, that I AM telling the truth.  For those of you who do not know me personally, you are just going to have to take my word for it so please, read on.

For whatever it's worth, my daughter is a powerful manifester too!  Anyone can manifest and materialize anything they choose for their life and into their life.  Anyone can even manifest and materialize things they don't wish to bring into their life, as well and I will dig deeper into this statement next time.  Awareness is the key.

You see, manifesting and materializing are really only words.  And, like all words... they have meaning, THEY - HAVE - POWER! Words also have an energetic vibration attached to them. The energetic vibration of the words we use, create a magnetic pull into our lives. These words (or the energetic vibration attached to them) create an awareness within our subconscious mind and our physical bodies at a cellular level. It would be extremely useful for all of us to learn to use highly charged words in our vocabulary.

Photo courtesy: Erica J. Pierce Quantum Success Coaching

It's not just words though, however.  Thoughts, too, have an energetic footprint. It is within these energetic vibrations and footprints (though they do not stand alone) that manifesting and materializing occur.

So now, let's link these two together, to introduce yet another concept and item needed (though the recipe for manifesting has many items in it - these are but a few) to learn how to manifest - consciously.

Words + Thoughts = Feeling Tone

Feeling tone.  What is that?  Well, feeling tone is the excitement you feel when you fall in love, the butterflies in your stomach.  Feeling tone is the joy you feel when you learn of a new birth into the family.  Feeling tone is the amazement and wonder you have when you see something so beautiful that it takes your breath away. Get the picture?

There are several items on the recipe card for manifesting, these are just a few.  If you remember nothing else from this post remember this one thing: "Like energy attracts like energy," and words, thoughts, feeling tones, and more go into creating the life you desire!

Coaching for your success!

Mai Calev, Life Coach